Alex Hertel, CEO for Xperiel (@xperiel), joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Experiential Marketing and how any organization can leverage Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to interact with consumers. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down complexity theory, pebbling, and using modern technology to trigger interactive events. Dust off your google glass and hop on that sideways skateboard you call a ‘hoverboard’ and get ready for the future!
Madhura Maskasky (@madhuramaskasky) Co-Founder and VP of Product at Platform9 Systems (@Platform9sys) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Cloud Managed Infrastructure, overcoming risk, and providing the trust enterprises need to adopt agile infrastructure. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down the value propositions of well managed infrastructure, and uncover some hidden truths about openstack and kubernetes cloud orchestration. Grab a 5 hour energy and create a reduction Alton Brown style because you’re going to need 1 hour of super concentrated focus for this episode!
Steven Silva, Chief Technology Officer for Cypherpath (@cypherpath), joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Secure Infrastructure Containers and how the market is demanding security driven architectures. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down what exactly Cypherpath means by Infrastructure-as-a-File, how Infrastructure containers differentiate, and explore the persistent threat landscape organizations of any type operate in today. Grab your bug-out bag and copy of Catcher in the Rye because we’re about to upload an encrypted message into your noggin.
Mike Gualtieri (@mgualtieri) VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester Research (@forrester) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about evolving and emerging analytics technologies. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down topics like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT, and Advanced Analytics. Grab your friend Sarah Connor and get to your bunker because SkyNet is on the horizon! Come with us if you want to learn. Hasta la vista, baby!
Ray O’Farrell (@ray_ofarrell) CTO & Chief Development Officer at VMware (@VMware) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about VMware announcements form VMworld. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) have Ray break down Cross-Cloud Architecture, the new VMware Cloud Foundation with IBM & AWS, integrations with Virtustream, how NSX enhances cross-cloud, and a vSAN breakdown! Get out and nab your favorite leprechaun and follow us to the pot ‘o gold at the end of this rainbow.
Gareth Rushgrove (@garethr) Senior Software Engineer at Puppet (@puppetize) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about leveraging a thriving community to drive incremental value in Open Source. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down Project Blueshift and how Puppet is using it to build better code and community in the Enterprise IT automation space. So grab your dusty / dented cans of of 8 year old green beans and corn out of the pantry and get ready to donate your time to this episode of The Hot Aisle!
Sandeepan Banerjee SVP Engineering and Operations for ClusterHQ (@ClusterHQ) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about storage persistence in an ephemeral world and what he thinks the challenges and how his teams plan to solve them. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down the container persistence market and volume management at scale.Grab your #2 pencil and your favorite eraser, because we’re about to take you to school.
Jeremy Burton (@jburton) CMO for Dell Technologies (@Dell) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about the largest merger in tech history between Dell & EMC (now Dell EMC) – and what it means for the future of both companies and the industry as a whole. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) dig into why Jeremy took the job, what excites him about the potential, and what tricks he has in his bag as he works on the combined and updated marketing strategy. Grab your coffee, look over the horizon, and get ready for the New Dawn of Dell Technologies.
Hitesh Patel (@F5Hitesh) Solutions Architect for F5 (@F5Networks) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about how F5 is evolving for and fully embracing the new “Cloud” model. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) dig into building a 250K+ person community with DevCentral, how Open Source & GitHub have driven innovation at F5, and the latest F5 Agility Conference. It’s no Peanut Butter sandwich, but go ahead and grab your chicken and steak – because we’re about to provide you enough information to marinate in for days….
Our guest list is strong this episode – in order of appearance: Joshua Bernstein (@quityourjoshing) VP of Technology for EMC Code (@emccode), Grant Martin (@grantkmartin) Product Manager for Avegant (@avegant) Glyph, and Nelson Aquino (@kruelx) FPV Racer, Race Organizer, and more – all join us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Open Source Software, the business that is Drones, and what the sport of FPV Drone Racing looks like underneath the covers. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down how IT skills and background are a bridge to drone racing, the changing concept of personal wearable devices, and why this booming market is attracting ESPN, EMC Code, Earnst & Young, AIG, and more to get involved. Grab your transmitter, put on your fpv goggles, and tune into this frequency – because you don’t wanna miss this!
Shannon Williams (@smw355) & Sheng Liang (@shengliang), Co-Founders of Rancher Labs(@Rancher_Labs) join us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about some more of that hot hot hot container stuff and how Rancher integrates your Docker ecosystem with automated deployments of Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesosphere. Public cloud? Private Cloud? Don’t care – they gots! Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down why Rancher was created, how it enables ease of container / container manager deployment, and leveraging the Open Source ecosystem with your Containers. Let’s go all animal house on this one, because all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others!
Kelsey Hightower (@KelseyHightower) Software Engineer for Google’s (@google) Kubernetes(@kubernetesio) and the Samuel L. Jackson of Tech Conferences, joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about the 1 year old birthday kid, Kubernetes. We’ll learn how Kubernetes is ready for production use with your containerized applications; and your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down the how, why, and what, of Kubernetes to ensure your applications are treated as first class citizens…Grab your crayons and glue sticks, because we’re about to break this down all elementary like!
I was recently given the opportunity to "speak" to the roughly 4000 Global EMC Systems Engineers through a bi-weekly segment called "All About Talent" put together by EMC Human Resources. The focus was a quick < 2 minute video spotlight with me talking a little about the "who, what, and why" of The Hot Aisle podcast that myself and Brian Carpenter do on a weekly basis. Below is a screenshot of the email that was sent out:
I am humbled and proud to be an EMC SE and to be able to have this opportunity to spread the nerd word to all my techies out there. I hope this helps you get to know me a bit more and gets you excited to listen to The Hot Aisle.
If you are not already listening, you can subscribe here:
Barak Michener (@barakmich) Software Engineer for CoreOS (@CoreOSlinux) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Torus, their take on the modern distributed storage system. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down how Torus approaches software defined storage, why distributed storage is the right fit for containerized workloads, how Torus integrates with things like Kubernetes & VMware, and how GIFEE is the motto at CoreOS (Google Infrastructure for Everyone Else). So slip on those comfy running shoes because we’re about to do a mental marathon that you’ll want to see to the end.
Stephen Pope (@StephenGPope) Partner & Software Engineer for Project Ricochet(@ProjectRicochet) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Application Development, platform rationalization, and why customers are leveraging Containers to deploy their new apps. Fresh off a trip to Seattle, he also brings us a few DockerCon highlights and thoughts. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down how applications and content can be architected, managed,and deployed leveraging Drupal & Meteor with Docker Containers. So push up your glasses, drop in your pocket protector, and prepare to get a bit more nerdy on this episode of The Hot Aisle.
Eric Windisch (@ewindisch) Founder and CEO of IOPipe (@iopipes) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Serverless and help define what it is, and what it isn’t. What did we learn? Serverless != Server Less! Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) dig into subjects like Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS), how serverless scales and is utilized, the concept of never paying for idle time, the overall landscape of serverless. We’re not afraid to ask about how organizations can offer serverless on premises either. What we got you gotta get it put it in you… The Hot Aisle is here with some more Knowledge-as-a-Service (KaaS) on this week’s episode.
Dr. J Metz (@drjmetz) R&D Engineer for the Office of the CTO at Cisco (@cisco) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle and expertly educates us on a number of storage (and not-so-storage) related topics including but not limited to: Fibre Channel, FCoE, Ethernet, iSCSI, PCIe, NVMe, NVMf, iSCSI, RDMA over Ethernet, and More! Our conclusion? Fibre Channel is NOT Dead – but you should listen and decide for yourself! Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down the myth of “One Storage Protocol to Rule them All”, Why When you might choose FC or FCoE, and what “Deterministic” & “Non-deterministic” are (plus, why it absolutely matters to your storage architecture). So pop in your ear-buds and crank to volume to 100 to ensure lossless transmission of this capsule of knowledge.