Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Hot Aisle – Efficient Distributed Applications with Mesosphere’s Thomas Rampelberg – Episode 30

Thomas Rampelberg, Project Manager at Mesosphere (@mesosphere) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about Mesosphere’s Data Center Operating System (DCOS) and how it was created to enable your Public & Private Cloud to be more efficient, resilient, and automated. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down Apache Mesos (@ApacheMesos), using DCOS with existing technologies like VMware, and integrations with all the big buzzwords (Docker, Cloud Foundry, Big Data, and DevOps).  So, let us take a minute and sit right there; we’ll tell you how you can become the Prince of Mesosphere.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Hot Aisle – Contain Your Cloud Natives with VMware’s Chris Sexsmith – Episode 29

Chris Sexsmith (@VirtualMittens) Sr. Manager of Field Enablement | Cloud-Native Apps atVMware (@VMware) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about VMware’s Cloud Native Application strategy and platforms (@cloudnativeapps) and share the greatness that they bring to the table with us and our listeners. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down AppCatalyst, CodeStream, Photon OS, Photon Machine, Photon Controller, Xenon, VMware Integrated Containers, Photon Platform, LightWave, and so much more.  Chris helps explain how you can embrace Cloud Native apps, utilize containers like Docker and Kubernetes, leverage Mesos, and much more on your existing VMware infrastructure and expertise – as well as exposing a different and beneficial way to round up your sprawling flock of containers.  Is VMware the new border collie of the container herding business?  Super Hot Topics? We Spit That! Knowledge For Days, We Produce That!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Hot Aisle – Transition, Stabilize, and Execute with Chad Sakac – Episode 28

Chad Sakac (@sakacc) Newly anointed President of VCE (@VCE) joins us this week on The Hot Aisle to talk about his new Converged world, his first 30 days on the job, how a life fueled by RedBull and 5 Hour Energy can accomplish so much, and a not-so-secret product reveal on February 16th, 2016. Your hosts Brent Piatti (@BrentPiatti) and Brian Carpenter (@intheDC) break down why customers are leaning into “Buy vs. Build”, the consumption of various CI/HCI Taxonomies, and what the Dell | EMC merger could mean once the deal closes.  So, grab your dumbbells and start curling, because what we’re dropping you definitely want to pick up.